
Find out where we fly this July

Increased safety measures for your peace of mind
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Last June, we flew approximately 550 passenger flights to 19 destinations in the Philippines. In all our flights, we remain committed to your safety whenever you fly.   
One flight at a time -- Gradual flight restart in July 2020  
As we gradually rebuild our flight network, we hope for your understanding as this is a developing situation, and we need to have an agile approach to our network schedule. We continue to work with the Inter-Agency Task Force, local government units and other government authorities. Here’s a list of routes where we currently fly this July.
You may check flight schedules here: bit.ly/CEBFlightSchedules. It may be necessary for us to add or cancel flights, given the fluidity of directives from the IATF, as well as limitations and restrictions set by the local government units. Flights to and from Manila are operated out of NAIA Terminal 3. 
Our Commitment to your Safety 
The safety measures we have in place are in accordance with global standards, to reassure passengers of a safe flying experience. Here’s an illustration on how some of our safety measures are practiced.
These are on top of comprehensive Contactless Flight guidelines, rapid antibody testing for crew, and frequent sanitation on surfaces, among others. 
Learn More
We commit to continue implementing the best practices when it comes to your safety. We wish you and your family well. Let’s all work together, so #EveryJuanWillFlyAgain. 

On behalf of the Cebu Pacific family, 
Candice Iyog 
Vice President 
Marketing and Customer Experience 

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