
The New SingaporeAir mobile app is now available in all markets

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Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for the support on the new SingaporeAir mobile app release. We are delighted to announce that we have completed the roll out of the new app to all markets for iOS and Android.

App versions below 22.0.0 will not be supported after 10 December 2019. Thus, we encourage all users to update their current app to the latest version before 10 December 2019 for a faster and improved experience.
For new users, you can search for Singapore Airlines on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store or click the links below.
iOS Devices
Android Devices
To learn more about the app highlights and new features, visit our website here.

For the first update, customers who have previously manually added trips will need to add their trips again.
Thank you to all whom have participated in the App Beta program. We appreciate the feedback shared as it helped us further improve the app. With the completion of the new app roll out, the App Beta program is now closed. Thus you will not be receiving new updates and you can remove the beta app from your device.

As part of our continuous effort to enhance the customer experience with the app, we would like to continue to seek your feedback through post release surveys, usability testing of new features and face-to-face interview sessions.
If you are interested in joining the engagement team, please click on the 'Join Us Now' button below.

We look forward to receiving your feedback and shaping the app user experience together.

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