
What can you do for the environment?

Make a JuanEffect.com pledge now!
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Hi Promo !
   We love flying you to the many beautiful destinations in the Philippines! As we continue to help boost local economies through accessible, affordable and available flights, we are also committed to reducing our impact on the environment.
   Cebu Pacific has enabled visitors to fly to our beautiful islands. Now, we want to do our share to ensure our natural attractions remain vibrant for future generations. The Juan Effect program is at the core of our journey towards sustainable tourism and we want you to join us!
This might sound like a big task but your one small pledge will make Juan big effect!

Make a Pledge

Our Top Stories!

CEB Shifts to eco-friendly utensils
Starting October 1, 2018, we will replace non-recyclable utensils with sustainable alternatives for all its flights.

Your small pledge can make an impact!
In our small ways, we can help save the environment. Choose from these three pledges to get started.
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Cebu Pacific reserves the right to change, modify and cancel this promotion without prior notice. We will not be held liable for any delay or failure on the part of the subscribers to receive seat sale alert notifications for any reason, including an inactive email account, or technical difficulties associated therewith.

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Cebu Pacific Building Pasay City, Metro Manila, 1301, Philippines

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