Cathay Pacific regularly reviews its privacy policy to comply with changes in privacy laws around the world.
Today, Europe’s new General Data Protection Regulation goes into effect. Although it only applies to data of persons who are in the EU, the global nature of the internet means that every online service will be affected.
As part of our commitment to privacy and transparency, we have updated our privacy policy to meet this new standard, and we encourage you to read it on our Legal and privacy page. It explains what information we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, who we may disclose it to, and your rights regarding your personal data.
We want you to know that your personal information is secure, as we continue to make data protection one of our highest priorities.
Yours sincerely, Cathay Pacific Airways
Cathay Pacific Airways Limited | 18/F Jakarta Stock Exchange Bldg, Tower 1, Jalan Jendral Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta 12190 | 001/007-803-852-9072