^Selected flights. Only available from the same arrival and departure ports. Checked baggage not included. Selected travel dates and other conditions apply. Return travel dates may differ, check before you book. Sale ends 11.59pm AEST Wednesday 20 September 2017 unless sold out prior. Other conditions apply, see below.
Lowest fares guaranteed
With our Price Beat Guarantee+ we'll make sure you'll get the guaranteed lowest fares. +Price Beat Guarantee will beat any competitor's or third party site's price by 10%.Conditions apply.
^One-way, checked baggage not included. Limited availability in peak periods and school holidays, available until sold out. Best availability can be found for bookings made further out from travel date. Selected travel dates and conditions apply. Other conditions apply, see below. Please make sure you read the important information about fares.
Prices are quoted in Australian Dollars and are based on payment by POLi, Jetstar voucher, Jetstar Gift Card or Jetstar MasterCard/Jetstar Platinum MasterCard for bookings through jetstar.com. For other payment options, a Payment Fee applies. See the fees and charges page for more information. Fares are one-way, web only and non-refundable. Limited changes are permitted, charges apply.
^Starter sale fares are one-way, checked baggage not included but may be added for an additional fee. Carry-on baggage limits, including size restrictions, will be strictly applied. Passengers with more than the applicable carry-on baggage allowance will need to check in baggage, and charges will apply. More details on carry-on baggage.
Fares are not available on all flights or days. Direct flights available on selected days and times. Limited availability over public holiday weekends and school holidays.
1International cover for travellers aged under 70. Price is an estimate only and calculated based on an Essential policy for up to 17 days for 1 person. Insurance products and services are provided by AIG Australia Limited, ABN 93 004 727 753, AFSL 381686, trading in Australia as AIG. Jetstar Airways Pty Ltd, ABN 33 069 720 243 (Jetstar), is an authorised distributor of AIG in arranging this insurance. Jetstar is not authorised to provide any advice, opinion or recommendation regarding insurance or to bind any person on behalf of AIG. You should read and consider the Product Disclosure Statement in light of your personal circumstances, prior to making any decision to acquire the insurance. Please also note coverage is subject to terms, conditions and exclusions as set out in your policy wording.
Before you book your international flight, and before you travel, check current Australian Government travel advisories on www.smartraveller.gov.au.