
$50 flight voucher when you book a hotel

$50 flight voucher^ when you book your hotel stay
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^Offer ends 11:59pm AEST Friday 16 September 2016. Minimum spend of AU$300 applies. A limit of one flight voucher per customer per day and a maximum of one voucher per booking applies. Jetstar flight voucher valid for 6 months from date of issue. Once you've booked, keep an eye out for an email with your flight voucher details which will be issued using the name and email address of the customer who made the booking. We'll send the flight vouchers out between 15 – 17 September 2016. Other conditions apply, see below.
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Things you need to know:
$50 Jetstar Flight Voucher Offer
^Valid for any hotel stay costing AU$300 or more booked in a single transaction at jetstar.com/hotels before 11.59pm AEST Friday 16 September 2016. A stay is one night or several consecutive nights spent at a single hotel even if the customer checks in and checks out more than once during that period. A limit of one flight voucher per customer per day and a maximum of one voucher per booking applies. Cancelled bookings will not be eligible for this offer. Full details of the voucher terms and conditions available here.

Prices are per room per night for up to two guests. Limited availability during peak periods such as school holidays, major events and public holiday weekends. Prices are correct as at Wednesday 14 September 2016, and are subject to change. Click on the conditions link of each property for more details. Restrictions on availability and minimum stay requirements apply. Minimum night stays and black out dates apply, check the hotel terms and conditions when you book. Change, cancellation and refund policies vary between hotels and fees will apply - check the hotel's policy that applies when you book. Changes, cancellation or post-booking inquiries must be made on 1300 722 327.

Full terms and conditions of the Price Beat Guarantee available here.

Hawaii Holiday Packages - Kids fly and stay for $20
*Offer ends 8pm AEST 21 September 2016, unless sold out prior. Price is per adult, based on 2 adults. Add $20 per child for up to 2 kids (2-11 years) using existing bedding. Transfers not included. All holiday package bookings must be made through the Jetstar Call Centre on 1300 360 520 between 8am – 8pm AEST Mon-Fri, and 9am – 6pm AEST Sat-Sun. No additional charges will be incurred for telephone bookings or telephone payments. Availability is limited, not available on all flights or days. Jetstar Starter fare rules apply. Limited changes are permitted, charges apply. Cancellation fees up to 100% apply. All travel is subject to the Jetstar Conditions of Carriage and Jetstar Holidays Booking Conditions. All travel must be completed within travel periods specified.

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