*All fares are subject to availability and may vary until ticketed. Prices are based on a one way economy Light Fare. Light Fares are per person in AUD and include GST. International fares departing Denpasar may vary with the addition of local taxes and charges. Add a per person, per flight, booking and service fee when booking using credit cards and some debit cards ($8.50 for domestic and $12.50 for international). Add $15 when booking domestic travel by phone or at the airport. Add $30 when booking international travel by phone or at the airport. The booking and service fee does not apply to payments made using Australian-issued MasterCard debit cards. Fares are non-refundable. Bookings may be changed by paying the fee and any applicable fare difference in accordance with our conditions of carriage , as published on our website on the day you request your change. For Light Fares, additional charges apply for optional extras such as checked-in baggage travel insurance and reserved seat selection. For current fees, click here. Flights between Australia and Denpasar are operated by Virgin Australia International providing a Tigerair Australia service. Other conditions apply. Go to www.tigerair.com.au for full terms and conditions.
Buy between 12pm aest 14/06/2016 and 12pm aest 15/06/2016, or until seats sell out.
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