Boxing Day Hotels Super Sale Conditions Prices are per room per night for up to two guests. Restrictions on availability and minimum stay requirements may apply. Limited availability during peak periods such as school holidays, major events and public holiday weekends. Prices are correct as at 22 December 2015, and are subject to change. Click on the conditions link of each property for more details. Offer applies to hotels sashed with "Boxing Day Super Sale". Offers are subject to availability and cannot be combined with any offer. Bookings made as part of this offer are non-refundable. Changes and cancellations incur a fee of 100% of the booking. Changes, cancellation or post-booking inquiries must be made on 1300 722 327.
Prices are quoted in AUD and are based on payment by direct deposit / POLi, voucher or Jetstar MasterCard/Jetstar Platinum MasterCard for bookings through For all other bookings, a Booking and Service Fee of $8.50 per passenger per domestic flight $8.50 - $12.50 per passenger per international flight applies. Fares are one-way, web only and non-refundable. Limited changes are permitted, charges apply.
Starter sale fares are one-way, checked baggage not included but may be added for an additional fee. Carry-on baggage limits, including size restrictions, will be strictly applied. Passengers with more than the applicable carry-on baggage allowance will need to check in baggage, and charges will apply. More details on carry-on baggage.
Fares are not available on all flights or days. Direct flights available on selected days and times. Limited availability over public holiday weekends and school holidays.